Gamify keep things light during self-isolation from Covid-19

Monday, March 30, 2020

Gamify is one of the world’s leading gamification marketing companies, developing branded HTML5 mini-games for marketing campaigns. Formed in 2018 with the purpose of both developing bespoke games for companies, as well as offer a pro-tool service that makes game development easy for users, whether or not they have any coding experience.

The recent Covid-19 pandemic has had a great affect on every industry and the lives of individuals, with the need for self-isolation being heavily promoted. In particular for Gamify, the team have been working from home and looking for ways to keep it interesting.

CEO of Gamify, John Shannon, gave his employees the task of making a game unrelated to any upcoming campaigns, simply something as a creative outlet that will keep up morale.

“I think in these unprecedented times, we need to be able to stay positive and to continue laughing and having fun however we can, as laughter really is the best medicine.” says John.

What came from this simple exercise was the game “Mad Shopper”, a tongue-in-cheek commentary on the excessive purchases of toilet paper from panicked shoppers. It’s a simple game that requires you to control a shopping trolley, catching as much toilet paper as you can while dodging wafts of Covid-19 cloud.The game makes light of the fact that people tend to get both paranoid and defensive in the name of self-preservation. “It all feel’s a little crazy right now and we really wanted to take the sting out of this stressful time. If we can’t laugh at how ridiculous we’re being in times like these, then this time spent in self-quarantine will truly start to take its toll on us.” says John.

“Mad Shopper” is currently featured on Gamify’s homepage, as a free-to-play game with the prize for the highest scorer being, you guessed it, a packet of toilet paper. While you’re home in self-isolation, why not test your skills and see if you can win yourself another round of toilet paper for the pile!

Play today for free! 
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